Wednesday, August 11, 2010

A New Baby, A New Body....

Last Week- 210.8
This Week- 196.6
Total Lost- 12.2

Well, last Tuesday night my water broke, 4 1/2 hours later there was a sweet new baby in my arms, he weighted 6# 10 oz. So that half of the weight was pretty easy to lose, painful but easier than diet and exercise. The other weight I am sure came from somewhere but I won't dwell on that, I will just say, I have had the best week of weight loss you will ever see on this blog.

Next week I am going to start walking 1 mile per day, My doctor gave me permission! She also told me I could do sit-ups if I used my yoga ball, I am not so sure about the sit-ups, never really having been a fan of sit-ups and all, but I guess it would tone the large squishy area that I have in the middle of my body right now. I will think about it some more before I decide if the sit-ups are in or out.

It has been just over a year since I started this blog, and I weigh just about the same now as I did back in July of 2009, so I am feeling pretty good about my chances of continued weight loss and more importantly, better health. I just so happened to post a weekly weight last August 11th. On that day I weighed 193 pounds. So 196. is just under 4 more pounds. I kind of think that is cool, I mean it could have been much much worse.

One other change from last year to this year is that I have 2 followers. One of you I know quite well, and I was glad to see you following my progress. The other follower, I don't know at all, but I assume you have found something in this blog worth hearing about. So to both of you I say thank you! Don't feel that you need to stay silent, if you want to cheer me on, give me some verbal support, tell me I really shouldn't have eaten those brownies, FEEL FREE!

See you next week!

1 comment:

aquatiq said...

congratulation for your new baby..!

it's me u are talking about...

i f0llow your blog because you are writing about your kids and i like to know how its like to be a mother...

my english is not good ...
so i can't write well.. and longer..

please say hye to your new baby..