Friday, March 8, 2013

Weekly Weigh-In March 8th

Last Week - 162.6
This Week - 160.4
Total Lost-      2.2

Yep, I'm pretty happy with that.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Weekly Weigh-In March 1st

Last Week 164.6
This Week 162.6
Total Loss-    2.0 pounds

NICE! I got back on the wagon and the wagon took me where I wanted to go. I am a happy girl.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Weekly Weigh-In Feb 22nd

2 weeks ago- 164.0
Today-           164.6
GAINED :(-    + 0.6

What happens if you discover that Brach's Chocolate Cherry Nougats taste just like cordial cherries (and what happens if you eat all of your sisters actual cordial cherries....hey- she left them on the table, and that means "Eat Me, Eat all of Me!" ) You gain half a pound. Was it worth it? Maybe.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Why you won't see a post tomorrow....

I am happy to be a Woman. It's a wonderful thing. BUT- every 28 days or so my body freaks out and I've decided that it's better for my mental health if I don't go near the scale for a few days during that freaky time. SO- stay tuned for a 2 week total next week. And until then, remember, that I love myself, know myself and I will be kind to myself by only having 3 weigh-ins per month :)

Friday, February 8, 2013

Weekly Weigh-In Feb 8th!

Last Week-  166.2
This Week-  164.0
Total Lost-   2.2!

I wasn't sure there was going to be any weight loss this week 1-because I had a couple of days where I could not resist the cookies (I ate 5 or 6 peanut butter cookies on Tuesday, good thing I also ran 6 miles on Tuesday) or the Granola. BUT I logged my calories and I tried hard to make sure that my net calories didn't go lower than 1200 (got to keep the body nourished). I also have been trying hard to drink lots of water and stay hydrated. I think it's working!

Friday, February 1, 2013

Weekly Weigh-In Feb 1st!

Last Week- 167.0
This week- 166.2
Total Lost-     0.8

You know what, I am happy that I lost almost a pound. And I must say, I tried a few green smoothies this week. I was telling myself that if I lost an amazing amount of weight I would keep making them, .8 isn't an amazing amount. So I will probably just keep eating my veggies rather than drink them. BUT, I'm still happy with a loss, a loss of any kind is better than a gain right now. :)

Friday, January 25, 2013

Weekly Weigh-In Jan 25th

2 weeks ago- 170.8
Today-           167.0
Total Lost-          3.8

I must say, I am very pleased with this. Yes- it's a two week total, because a week ago Thursday, for dinner, I had some very salty soup and so on Friday instead of seeing a 2 pound loss- from 170.8 to 169-ish, I saw a 2 pound GAIN- yep the scale said I weighed 173 (Whatever I said, and then I ate a dozen cookies....maybe more). I then tried hard to make up for the lack of caloric control I showed on Friday AND as you can see......I did well :) I'm very happy with this loss, it's pretty much a 2 pound per week loss, which is what I'm looking for at this point.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

2012 was not great- so let's start over in 2013

Long story short- in 2012 I struggled for months with runners knee, I had 4 surgeries (none of them knee related) and 2 miscarriages. And guess what, I gained weight. So I'm starting over. Over the holidays I was able to lose 6 pounds, which is great. I mean who loses weight over the holidays? Me!

I'm running again. In fact, yesterday, I ran 5 miles and it felt amazing. It's been just over a year since I've been able to run more than 3 miles. I have a Half Marathon scheduled for the beginning of June and I am about 2 weeks away from finishing the 10k training schedule and then starting the Half training schedule. This makes me very happy.

I know that my runners knee was an overuse injury, and so I am doing my best to take it slow. I can't seem to run as fast as I used to and that is okay, I just want to be able to run, so if I'm slower, then I'm slower. I'm not going to push myself and I have plenty of time so if I have to back track a week or two on the schedule I can.

I am also trying to eat well, and I'm trying to following the carb counting diet I was on when I was pregnant with my little B. I'm feeling pretty good, healthy and strong and for the most part I'm not feeling any huge sugar cravings. If I could stop eating little bits of granola here and there I'd almost be perfect. BUT no one is perfect so, I think I'm good.

Friday is my weigh in day now. SO- expect to start seeing updates.