Thursday, September 1, 2011

I fell off the Wagon and Bounced!

I will admit that I have not been very good at tracking my calories for a couple of weeks. I will also admit that I ate about half a batch of cookie dough and a quarter of the cookies that made it into the oven. (If I bother to do the math that would be about three quarters of the entire batches calories) SO I shouldn't be surprised that my scale hated me this morning. I didn't bother actually saving my weight on the scale today. The first time I stepped on the scale it told me that I had gained 3 pounds. So I said..."Maybe if I sit on the potty for a bit...." and so I did and I hopped back on the scale and apparently I gained 1/2 a pound while sitting- I don't understand how that works, but it was enough to get me to give up on Today's weigh in.

So I haven't had the best morning. I didn't have the best night either- I tried to tell myself that my weigh in was affected by the fact that I only had 5 hours of sleep last night (my sleep deprived brain really believed that), then I started to tell myself that I was too tired to run today, and that it was too late in the morning to run (since nap time for the baby would be starting soon and hopefully nap time would last until noon). Then I decided that if I really had gained 3 pounds I should drown my sorrows in some Oatmeal Butterscotch Coconut Cookies- I was just about to see if Oatmeal Butterscotch Coconut Cookies were real things......then make and eat them.....when I had a thought. A happy thought. All is not lost. I can have my cookies and eat them too, I just need to have them as Celebratory Cookies rather than Drown my Sorrows Cookies. SO- once I break through the 150 wall, I will make some Oatmeal Butterscotch Coconut Cookies! And until then I will be better at tracking my food and I will run on the treadmill on days like today when outside runs are not really an option.

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