Monday, July 27, 2009

Take one down, Pass it around

OK, I broke my rule about only weighing myself once a week. I just love the fact that after a good workout I weigh less and I had some good workouts this week. But apparently I had some good meals too.

This morning I weighed 195.4, so I lost 1 pound!

That is better than gaining one pound, so I am happy. This week I burned 2,294 calories on the treadmill, and then I went to a family reunion and ate a piece of cake that probably had close to 2,000 calories in it, it was a yummy piece of cake.

I feel good about last week, I worked out every day that I could. I ran and walked on the treadmill during my sons nap time. Most days I did 60 minutes, and each time I ran I tried to run a little farther than the previous time.

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